Shadow Work – Follow the Feeling

While meditating this morning I was given a message, “Go out and live. Show the world your light.” I had a sense that spirit wanted me to go out and have fun. Or so I told myself. I instantly received feedback in my heart. I received a palpitation in my heart. This happens to me quite a bit, but this time I decided to follow it.

I sat with the feeling, and really focused. I tried to physically pin point it, once I found it, then I was able to decipher what the feeling was. To my surprise I discovered Fear > Unworthiness.

It brought me to a question. When did I begin telling myself that I was unworthy of letting go and having fun. Most importantly why?

Everyone deserves to have fun don’t they? By just following a feeling, I have the opportunity to reframe my perspective. To choose a different version of myself that leads with love, self love.

Being willing to explore our feelings as warning lights on the dashboard of life instead of potholes to avoid, we can heal and align ourselves with our truth. It take work, and we have to choose this path daily.

I’m grateful that I chose this path today.

Message from Spirit on People Pleasing

Stop living for other people. When you do this you are not authentic to yourself, to your truth. If you choose to make others happy with no regard for your own happiness and wellbeing, you are robbing them of a chance to manage their own truth. Soon no-one will be living their truth and everyone will be unhappy. If everyone is unhappy then the vibration of the planet will be lowered. Everyone will suffer. Every person on the planet has a mission to follow their heart.