Remember to Ask for Help

I spent many years seeking out advice from others and applying their advice, only to have it all blow up in my face. I’ve learned that people only see things through the lens of their own experience.

Having compensated, I now fall into the trap of trying to figure everything thing out myself. When I have something weighing on my mind, I often feel like I need to solve it myself. Our minds are wonderful and amazing tools, but they are reliant on the things we have learned, experiences that we’ve had, and how we interpreted them. That means that if we haven’t worked on our traumas and shadow, our minds are filtering everything through them. That lead me to feel like I couldn’t even trust myself.

I have recently started to renew my faith and have been attending church on Sunday. Part of the message this week was about being a partner with God to create your life. I’m sure you’ve all heard the quote, “God won’t give you more than you can handle.” Pastor Joe says there is a word that is missing at the end of that quote, and I believe it too…God won’t give you more than you can handle together. God wants you to confide in him, to give him your worries and fears and to ask for his assistance.

I believe all spiritual roads lead to the same place, so if you cannot relate to my Christian God, apply the message to your creator. Universal wisdom is just that. Universal.

When you have something weighing on your heart, instead of letting it roll around and create doubt and fear in your mind, ask for help. Meditate, pray, talk it through with your creator, and open yourself up to receiving divine assistance.

Balance – Body and Soul

I received a message today that I wanted to share with you.

On this journey of healing and enlightenment it’s easy to get caught up in the spiritual aspect. Once you learn to tap into your intuition, and receive universal wisdom, that seems like the place to be. That is where things begin to make sense and it’s easy to get caught up in wanting more clarity. However, It’s important to balance our spiritual life with our 3D experience.

This duality requires balance and that means not neglecting our bodies. We must use our bodies to experience things that our soul cannot. We nurture them with the physical things that we can touch, taste, hear, and feel. I don’t mean indulgence and excess, but giving our bodies physical experiences. We must move them, feed them healthy food, take adventures, and form relationships. In it’s simplest form, just being present in your body, and experiencing life with all your senses in the moment.

Sometimes it’s just a change of perspective that’s needed. I know that personally I view my body and my ego mind in a negative light, but it too has a job to do. It’s kept me alive for 47 years and for that I am grateful. Today I will start considering it’s needs as more of a priority and less of a burden.

I hope you all have a blessed day.

Stop Hoping and Start Trusting

In meditation yesterday I was guided to stop hoping and start trusting. This lead me to really start thinking of the two words/concepts. In Merriam Webster’s dictionary hope and trust are synonyms of each other and are often used interchangeably. So, what is the difference? Here is what I discovered:

First for me there is a difference in the energy of the two words.

Let’s look at hope first. There is an expectation that something will happen, or a wish for it to be. For me there is an uncertainty with hope though. Doubt has somehow crept into it. This was a sad realization for me. In my daily life I often rely on hope that things will get better or that I will get a good parking spot at the grocery store. It seems like wishful thinking…almost.

Don’t get me wrong I still feel like there’s a place for hope. You must always have hope in your heart for the things you desire. There is a light hearted and playful nature to hope that trust doesn’t have, and I believe that is important too.

For the big things like believing in yourself, manifesting, and choosing the right path for your life, that should be the job of trust.

Trust implies there is a force or person responsible. There is no doubt involved with trust. It is proven and experienced. An example is that I know that my sister will take good care of my babies, like there were her own. I trust her.

When I got the message yesterday that I needed to stop hoping and start trusting. I realized that I wasn’t trusting myself, or God. I was hoping that things would work out for me. I was putting out expectations, but not really trusting that they would be fulfilled. There has been an element of doubt all along.

Trust has always been a hard thing for me from a very early age. Many of us have come from broken homes and bad situations that have broken our trust. It requires a leap of faith, sometimes quite literally. Trusting yourself would be the best place to start. After that consider trusting the source of all things. I call him God, but he goes by many names. That is where I have decided to start!

Thank you for coming along on this journey with me.


Universal Wisdom – Feeling “Stuck” in Relationships

A Channeled Message from my spirit guide, called Teefa. He’s with me to impart universal wisdom.

Timing is important for all things. As the universe works with you to impact the lives of other people. There will always be delays and lessons along your path that keep you “stuck” for moments. These will be times of inaction, reflection, or sometimes they will feel like waiting, boredom and stagnation.

This allows the universe to align what is meant for you. It’s all orchestrated to perfection and there are so many variables it’s mind blowing for your logical minds. However, it’s a daily occurrence for the divine source. That is why willingness to believe and trust in the divine and go with the flow is so important.

Divine timing can feel restrictive and frustrating, but it has its purpose and we must understand this, and surrender to it completely. If the answers or movement is not coming for you, then perhaps you are trying to control an outcome. The more you try, the more miserable you will become. You must realize that the only one that can move the situation is the divine.

Spirit’s Guidance

Nothing can dim the light that shines from within ~ Maya Angelou

Wipe the slate clean everyday to achieve the highest vibration. Meditation is the key. Check your energy, your body, and determine what is being held onto and where you are meeting any kind of resistance. Everyday be committed to this process of cleansing and clearing your energy field. The results will be freeing. You will have more energy in your physical body as well as your light body.

Valuable clarity and insight will come as a result. Chaos is created in your mind, but you will be able to quiet this chaos by cleansing and clearing the feelings and emotions that are stuck. State what you are feeling aloud, or write about it in your journal. By getting it outside yourself into the 3D realty, you will start the process of moving this stuck energy. You will send it out to be released.

If you hold it inside it will just be picked up by your mind and feed your self limiting beliefs. It will hold you hostage in logic and fear. Get it out in whatever healthy way you can. Self expression is the best way to get it moving and purge it from your system.

You see, your body and your soul must work together. It doesn’t work if one takes control and bypasses the other. They have to work together.

Your soul will tell you how to fix what is trapped in your body, if only you would listen before there is too much damage inflicted upon it. Your physical form has a shelf life. Your soul is infinite.

Lesson of the Slippery Socks

Today I had to bring my cat to the vet to be spayed. I work from home and was having to take a bit of time from my very busy day to do this. I started the day with just my slippers, and since it was -7 degrees this morning, I needed to put some socks on and wear my winter boots for this chore.

I was already running late as a client call went over the allotted time, and I rushed into my room to grab the socks. I chose a pair of white socks that are made of soft material. Nothing crazy, I have worn them several times with no issue. Something was nudging me to pick a different pair. I shrugged it off and kept moving as there was no time to waste. The cat was already in her carrier, I had already used the remote start to warm up the car so we weren’t going to freeze, and I just needed to get my butt out the door.

I put my jacket on and grabbed my purse and the cat, and started down the stairs in my stocking feet. The next thing I knew I was on my butt halfway down the staircase. When I calmed down I realized the cat was alright, I was indeed okay. Yes, a little worse for the wear, and my back will probably hurt for a few days as I could feel the strain in my muscles already, but truth-be-told it scared me more than it hurt me.

As I told the story to my sisters and a friend via text, the socks were the issue, as well as my mind moving 100mph before I descended the staircase. At lunch time I meditate, everyday. Today again, the socks came up, but this time I let the answer come to me through my heart space.

That nudge was my guardian angel trying to divert disaster and keep me safe. I just shrugged it off because I was too busy to take the time to acknowledge the divine suggestion. I thought I was good at seeing these things… Wow, how often do I do this?

I have begun to realize, for me it’s not that I don’t see them, it’s that I need to think about them before I listen. If there is not time to properly analyze the advice, then it’s 50/50. Sometimes I listen and sometimes I just shrug it off. It’s a trust thing for me. I always worry that there’s some dark energy or trickster around that has hijacked my conscious and is giving me bad information. I haven’t quite gotten to that space within where I can sense that energy, because, I just assume that I cannot trust myself to know the difference between good and bad energy.

The truth is I can, but it takes away my control, and that keeps me safe, or does it?

Just some food for thought…and a lesson to listen and trust those nudges. You could save yourself a few days with a heating pad and Tylenol. You’re also learning to trust that the universe really does have your best interest at heart, or at least your angels do.

In the Flow

Saturday was a great day. I could tell from the moment that I got up that I was right where I needed to be. My mind was clear and my energy was good, I even had tea instead of coffee first thing.

I didn’t have elaborate plans for the day, but decided to take things as they came following the little suggestions from spirit. I did a bit of house work, read another chapter in my new book, meditated, and journaled a bit. I invited my sister to go shopping and have lunch to use a gift card I had been given for Christmas from my aunt since she also had one too. She didn’t get back to me until lunch was upon us, but we decided to meet up later in the afternoon.

On my way to meet my sister I saw a license plate that had the numbers 222. That’s my number for the right place right time, or being in the flow. When I got to the store that the gift card was from, I waited in my car until she showed up, and I was so excited that she didn’t have my niece with her. Not that I don’t love spending time with my niece, but it meant that we could really just enjoy each other’s company and shop!

I found a great candle to spend my gift card on that just happened to be some of my favorite scents. Lavender, Bergamot, and Oak. I have never seen that combination before. When we went to the register to pay, my sister was a part of their email listing and got an additional discount! She had gone over the amount of the gift card, but this meant that she only had to pay 2 dollars extra. Score!

We decided to go the the shoe store that was next door. They were moving locations because of a lease war on their space, but all their clearance shoes were an additional 30% off. I found a great pair of Clarks boots to replace my old ones. They were a deal at $40.00, that’s more than half price, and I even got a pair of slides for my brother that lives with me. As I was standing in line, a new cashier came up and ushered me over to her. I could tell she had great energy, and we seemed to click. My brother’s shoes were on a sale rack, but turned out not to be on sale. The cashier said, “Don’t worry I will hook you up”, and voila I got them for 14.99, when they were originally $34.99. God put me in the right place at the right time, with the right cashier.

Things seem to just work out when you are in the flow, following your intuition, and bringing your authentic energy to people and places that need it.

That wasn’t the last of the deals for the day though. We decided to keep going, and visit some of our favorite clothing shops. I found a jacket that I loved and when I went to check out, I had a bonus waiting for me, another $20.00 off. I couldn’t believe my luck.

I just wanted to share with you this story, because it shows that when you follow your intuition and things are in alignment, things just work out. There will be help on your path, rewards, and messages. Not to mention that you can help other people as well. Who knows, my interaction with the cashier, and the fact that I was so grateful to her for giving me such a deep discount when she didn’t have to lifted her spirits too. It was a good interaction. In fact, all the interactions I had on Saturday were good ones. I even heard from someone that I haven’t talked to in a while.

Sometimes you just wake up in the flow, and other days it’s harder to get there, but generally, I have discovered that when you follow the gentle little nudges from God, good things happen. When you get that little nudge to hold a door open, to invite someone to coffee, or wear that shirt that you’ve been saving for the right moment, do it. I promise the results my be just what you’re looking for, but definitely what you need.

Peace or Apathy

The holidays used to be a very busy time for me. I won’t go into the details here, because it’s a long story, but my life 10 years ago was full of traditions and people to spend my holidays with. Indeed life in general was full of distractions and tasks to get done. Little people to keep alive and happy, a husband, a household, and a job.

There was not a lot of me time to be had, but in the last 10 years people and things have slowly been leaving my life. At first this was anxiety inducing. I defined myself by all these things and my title as mother, wife, daughter, etc. When they slowly started fading away, I didn’t know who I was, and this was really hard for me.

I tried to fill up the space with social media, dating, projects etc. I felt bored, and alone. Nothing seemed to fulfill me.

Then, I started this spiritual journey, and began to discover the truth. Things and people were being removed from my life so that I could discover myself. I had prayed to discover a deep understanding of who I was, and I realize now that God gave me the tools and the space to do that. I am so very grateful.

I know that I still have a lot more to learn about myself, but I also know that I have the power to manifest what I truly desire. I wanted to know myself, and I am getting there. It took me a while to understand exactly what was happening and why, but now that I do, I am so grateful. The inner peace that I feel is amazing. I am even almost completely off the anxiety meds that I have been on for 20 years.

Some days I mistake this peace with apathy. It takes awhile for your subconscious to get on board, but I am being patient with it these days.

Just remember, when you ask God/Universe for big changes in your life, and then world as you know if starts to crumble, that the old will need to be removed for the new to have space. God will take the straightest route. Your intuition will be your GPS.

Let it Be vs Let it Go

Let it be = Acceptance

Let it go = Choice

How can two letters change the way I view things so much?

When someone tells you to let something go, it requires a choice. It also infers that you are holding onto something that isn’t for you. There’s fault in this statement. I have seen value in something that doesn’t have value and for someone that has unhealed traumas might trigger guilt and shame.

When someone tells you to let something be, it requires a whole new process. It’s not really a choice, but an evaluation of what it is to you, and how it fits into to your life. It’s acceptance of what is, and if it’s in alignment with you. By accepting what it is, you remove the control and allow yourself and whatever it is to be what it is. This removes the shame and guilt, for the need to find fault in it.

This also allows you to be in acceptance of yourself. Here’s where I am, I might be somewhere different tomorrow, but this is who I am right now, and that is okay. We all grow and change our whole lives, and what we are in vibration with today, might not be what aligns tomorrow. If we accept and let it be what it is and your relationship to it, then there is room for growth.

I have to admit it was hard for communicate this in words as I felt it so strongly in my heart during my meditation this morning. I hope I did it justice.