Just Start Walking

Just a bit of advice from my spirit guides this morning in meditation that I thought would be good to share. I have heard this message so many times and in so many ways, but today, it just clicked for me.

Side note, we will keep getting the same message over and over until we are ready to receive it and incorporate it into our lives. The universe is amazing in that way. It’s really beautiful. When your confused, you can trust that the clarity will come when you’re in the right vibration to hear it.

Okay, onto the advice of today.

Often, people become overwhelmed by a dream because they think they need to have it all figured out before they start. The universe is not asking you to have it all figured out, all you need to do is have a destination and start walking in that direction with intent. Then, trust that the universe will provide you with the opportunities to make your dream a reality.

Sometimes we don’t know what we want, and in those moments, just start walking towards things that bring you fulfillment and joy. Things that brought you happiness as a child, that still bring you happiness as an adult is a good place to start. When you get into the flow, the clarity will come.

Just start and you will be met with the opportunities to get you there.


I have read so many articles and books in the past 3 years about people mirroring each other, but the truth is that your external life mirrors how you feel internally.

I was just journaling as I normally do at the end of my day, and I stumbled upon something very interesting. I was rambling on in my journal about feeling alone, and not having a “family” of my own to build traditions and a life. Of course, this time of year brings these issues to light for a lot of us.

Don’t get me wrong I have lovely friends and extended family that I enjoy so much, but I’m not married and I have a challenging relationship with my children. It leaves me on my own a lot especially during traditional family times.

I don’t need to wait until those things come into my life. I know they will when the time is right. I don’t have to see this alone time as a bad thing and I certainly don’t need to wait to start making plans for my life.

What I’m desiring externally is what I ‘m really craving from myself. I can give myself love, support, and a plan for the future. Things that a relationship and family of my own will fit into.

When all you really want at the end of the day is someone who loves you unconditionally, doesn’t judge you for your mistakes, and allows you to be authentically yourself; you can be that person for yourself. Be your own biggest cheerleader.

Love Yourself

There is a golden rule in Christianity that says “Do unto others that you’d have done to you,” but society has focused on others, and forgotten the part where we must also show ourselves love.

We focus so much on being kind to others and treating them with respect, even if we aren’t treating ourselves that way.

We have to give ourselves the love and kindness we give others. If we aren’t giving it to ourselves first, others won’t either. Like attracts like, it’s one of the universal laws. We show people how to treat us, how to love us.

When there isn’t a balance between loving ourself and others codependency results. I need to prove my love and kindness to others and forsake myself so that I get love and kindness in return.

Instead I would challenge you to give yourself love and kindness first, because then you are practicing the golden rule as it was intended. I love myself therefore I treat others with love and respect.

What are 3 ways you can show yourself love today?

Channeled Message – Self Worth/Relationships

A very direct and very important message from the divine source…

Stand your ground in matters of the heart that involve your self worth. Nothing good comes from backing down on this point. It matters that both of you respect and honor each other in all ways. Don’t ever make someone choose between loving you and loving themselves. That is manipulation and is not honorable in any sense. We show people how much we value ourselves by what we will endure from them in a relationship.

This is most important in relationships with our children. You should never put your children in a position where they must chose between their own self worth and their love for you. You should not allow this to happen in front of them either. This is the basis of self worth issues. Don’t manipulate, humiliate, or judge.