Ask for A Sign or a Strawberry

Recently, I had to make a decision that I wasn’t sure about. I meditated and prayed about it, and made the best choice I could make with all the tools available to me.

On Saturday I was making the 40 minute drive to my sisters house and I was feeling some doubt about my decision. Sometimes, even when we ask for guidance when making the decision, self doubt creeps in. So, I decided to ask God for a sign that I made the right choice. I said a little prayer and made the request, and heard the word Strawberry.

I began to doubt the word I heard. My sister and I were making Christmas Cookies on Saturday and we would be going to the grocery store. I thought surely this wasn’t a good sign, as I would see strawberries at the grocery store. For me a sign is something unexpected or out of place, but I decided to just let it go and see what happened.

I got to my sister’s house, and sat down at the kitchen table like I usually do. We were working on our grocery list. My sister got up to do something and I just looked down at the table, and BAM! right in front of me was a little jar with a strawberry on top of it. It was a jar of strawberry smelling playdoh stuff that belonged to my niece. I asked my sister about it and she said she had no idea where it came from, but saw it earlier that morning and decided not to move it.

There was my sign. God gave me a sign in the most random way, but there it was. I just had to laugh. Just when I think I know better, God shows me that magic is all around. Believe folks! You can do this too. To add to that, I was in the shower reflecting on this sign and how wonderful God and the universe is when the song Tennessee Whiskey, by Chris Stapleton came on the radio…”You’re as smooth as Tennessee whiskey and as sweet as strawberry wine…” How crazy is that??

Moral of the story, when in doubt don’t sit in fear and worry. Ground and center yourself through prayer or meditation, and ask for a sign. If you are not clairaudient like me and God/Spirit tells you what to look for, then you can ask for a specific sign. Make sure it’s not something that you would normally run across, but something that would be odd for the season, or space you are in.

Example: If I made the right decision about …… please show me a frog or something random that you don’t see all the time.

Why sit in worry or fear, when God is here to help.